Which one of these Solutions Help You ??

Carbohydrates are one of the most misunderstood aspects of fat loss nutrition. While many media sources keep telling us that we need to cut out carbs and pretty much avoid them like the plague in order to lose weight, that's simply not true.
Carbs are just misunderstood, and in this article I want to show you why that is and how you can discover a few simple facts that will put you ahead of 99% of people out there when it comes to managing your carb intake for fat loss.
So here are those facts:
1) Most people think that carbs only include bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and other heavy starchy carbs or sugary junk foods, that's only one type of carbohydrate. In actuality, carbs includes many other kinds of foods such as fruit and veggies that are tremendously beneficial to you.
2) The idea of cutting out carbs completely is unhealthy and will hinder you in the long term. Firstly, without the energy provided by carbs you will lose a great deal of performance when it comes to mental and physiological functioning, and you will lack energy and vitality. Plus, if you cut out all carbs including fruits and veggies, you will be missing out on lots of extremely important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that you can receive from those foods. This is the reason why I am not a fan of extremely low carb diets like Atkins.
3) Green carbs such as fruit and veggies have a much lower calorie content than other kinds of carbs, and so you can actually eat a lot more of them while still taking in much fewer calories than other kinds of foods. That's why it's important to eat green carbs with every meal - they will allow you to eat a higher volume of food and therefore fill yourself up, while still allowing you to maintain a low overall calorie intake, thereby helping you lose fat.
For a more in-depth discussion on the right way to incorporate carbs into your diet to ensure maximum fat loss, including the ONLY time of the day that you should be eating starchy carbs if you want to lose fat, check out http://www.losefatatwork.com/2009/03/why-carbohydrates-are-misunderstood-and-what-you-need-to-know-about-them/ for the full scoop.
Yudi Kerbel (a.ka 'The Micro Workout Guy') is a Certified Personal Trainer and MyFamilyDoctor Magazine Fitness Expert who specializes in fat loss and fitness for busy working professionals who are short on time.