Which one of these Solutions Help You ??

1 In 4 People Are Overweight - Are You?

Posted by Unknown On 21:30

Each of us can make some simple changes to improve our overall health and wellbeing. Exercise alone is not enough. It is important to eat a healthy balanced diet. I have provided some helpful hints in this article which can be implemented on a daily basis.

Healthy Fats

Media advertising would have us believe that the only way we can obtain adequate vitamins and minerals is by taking pills. If you can't make the effort to buy whole foods and prepare them yourself then this may very well be a better alternative. But your body will not learn to ingest food properly or sustain energy levels.

So let's cut to the chase... many foods contain 'Healthy Fats'. Some of these healthy fats include egg yolks, avocados, raw nuts, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, grass-fed meats.

A tip I use is to eat a handful of raw nuts at least 3 times a day and 30 minutes before a meal. It is a good idea to mix your nuts up to prevent boredom. This simple tip helps to trick your body into feeling fuller, provides a good source of fibre and is a healthy fat.

High Quality Protein

What are the benefits of eating High Quality Protein? Well it helps your body control blood sugar and insulin levels. How does it do this? By helping breakdown ingested carbohydrates.

Quality Proteins include plant sources such as nuts, grass-fed dairy and grass-fed meats. These foods help to suppress your appetite making losing weight even easier than you may have experienced before.


Today's diet includes a lot of highly processed foods which are high in carbohydrates. I believe it is the main reason why so many people struggle to lose weight. Such foods include refined grain based starches as well as refined sugars.

There is a big difference between natural and refined sugars. Fresh fruit and berries are good as they contain a healthy sugar and fibre. This is OK as the fibre helps to slow the blood sugar response in our bodies. Many people are confused and believe that fruit juice is also good for you but this is not the case. Fruit juices are mostly made of sugar. During the processing stage of the juice the fibre is removed.

To kickstart your weight loss minimise the consumption of grains found in common foods such as breads, pasta and cereals. The beginning of managing your weight can be as easy as try replacing your carbohydrate intake with just fruits and vegetables.

Try these simple tips to become leaner in no time. If you want to discover '2 Foods to Avoid' then read more: http://movefatfast.com/diet-tips-for-six-pack-abs/

I hope this information helps you find a Healthier You!

By Leanne Young


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leanne_K_Young

It All Begins Centuries Ago

Posted by Unknown On 17:30
Centuries ago we were introduced to coffee beans by the natives of South America. No one really knew what to do with these green beans so here in the western world, we decided the best thing to do with them was to grind them up, so that they mixed well in water.
That meant we needed to roast the beans so they were easy to grind up. That started the whole process we have used for centuries to enjoy the addiction known to all of us as coffee. But what if we have been using them all wrong?
What if the beans were more valuable than we ever imagined?
That idea was not even considered until just recently when they created Green Coffee Bean Maxima. After all the people who introduced us to that beans didn't roast them, in fact they used them green.
They knew the value of using the green beans in their natural state. Scientists Rush to Investigate So scientists began to take another look at the lowly coffee bean. As they suspected roasting changed the chemical composition of the beans. Even a little roasting reduced the amount of a chemical called chlorogenic acid which is part of the secret in Green Coffee Bean Max.
This chemical must have some value, there needed to be more investigation. Scientists broke it down, examined its properties, and started to discover its secrets. They soon heard that chlorogenic acid had some important health benefits. It was reported to help with heart disease and diabetes among other health conditions.
Then Something Amazing Happened - Soon people started to see a new set of results, using Green Coffee Bean Max resulted in noticeable weight loss.
But how could green beans cause weight loss?
After all, drinking coffee had no effect on our weight. A lot of coffee would keep us up at night but wouldn't make us any thinner. So it must be the chlorogenic acid. By 2012, many popular health professionals began to talk about the weight loss benefits of Green Coffee Bean Max.
More people looked at this previously unassuming product. It was claimed that this weight loss miracle provided benefits without exercise or diet.
How Does It Really Work?
But how could this be. Scientists needed to look more closely. They knew that Green Coffee Bean Max helped with high blood pressure by affecting blood vessels so pressure was reduced. But how could it bring on these amazing weight loss results?
Further investigation brought some new information to light. They determined that the chlorogenic acid in green coffee affected how the body handled blood sugar altering glucose absorption and your metabolism. This resulted in your body using sugars more effectively, and since Green Coffee Bean Max contains the same amount of caffeine as regular cup of coffee, it has the same effects on your metabolism as drinking one cup of regular coffee.
Improving on the Already Unbelievable Results - Once it was learned that it had such a dramatic effect on weight loss, the green coffee extracts began to appear. With a little testing they soon learned that the stronger the extract the better the results. Health enthusiasts loved the idea that Green Coffee Bean Max not only provided 100% pure green coffee bean extract resulting in outstanding results in weight loss but that it was safe and tested.
On top of that Green Coffee Bean Max contains only 10% of the caffeine of other brands to reduce the side effects that caffeine can cause. So you get the best results safely.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tomasz_Kuciapski

There are hundreds of weight loss programs and supplements out there, and they would give you this hope that you are going to lose weight and get a skinny body in no time. However, you get disappointed with these programs and supplements because they do not deliver long-term effects. Diet programs, for instance, may only work for a short period of time because they are difficult to maintain. You would go back to your old eating habits because you cannot suppress your appetite and eventually gain weight again.

Moreover, weight loss supplements such as raspberry ketone get a lot of buzz with regard to how they can help you lose weight naturally and quickly. True enough, the supplement can help you shed extra pounds quickly and naturally, but keep in mind that there is no magic formula towards losing weight. Supplements are called as such because they ""supplement"", meaning they are added to make something complete.

Raspberry ketone, for instance, helps you lose weight by boosting your metabolism or how your body burns fat. It also helps suppress your appetite. These properties of the supplement are crucial to losing weight. But, are these enough? Sure, it helps your body burn fat faster and stops you from eating more than necessary, but if you do not do your part, the expectations you have in mind may not be met. So what can you do to make sure that the supplement would work for you?

If you expect to see quick results, then just do not sit around knowing that the supplement naturally burns your fat for you. Your part of the equation is to maintain a balanced diet and go for a walk every time you get a chance. It is also important that you strictly follow the dosage directions, and not just take it when you remember or when you please. The supplement is there to help you, not to perform a magic trick for you. This should be emphasized to every person who wants to lose weight by using popular supplements such as raspberry ketone. It is scientifically proven to help people lose weight, but the hype surrounding it contributes to how people set unrealistic expectations regarding its results.

Take charge of your body and health, and get the high quality weight loss supplements and health products you need at Choice Nutrition Supplements.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sherry_R_Bray

Benefits of Proactol

Posted by Unknown On 01:00

People who are overweight leave no stone unturned to get rid of that extra fat on their body. There are several ways to do so- exercise, dieting and taking some of the various weight loss supplements available in the market. It can be frustrating to find a supplement to be completely ineffective after using it for a considerable period of time. Out of the various supplements, Proactol has emerged as an effective way to lose weight safely and easily.

Proactol is a fat binder product that contains both soluble and non-soluble fibers that help not only to reduce weight but also improves overall health of an individual. There are several benefits associated with Proactol that makes it a credible weight loss pill.

- 100% organic- Proactol is made of only naturally derived ingredients. It is mostly made up of fibers which help in effective digestion of food. There is no prescription required for taking this pill. It is allergen free and contains no artificial color, flavor or preservative. It carries an ECO CERT certificate which shows that it is eco-friendly in nature. It is also safe for vegetarians.

- Effective Fate Binder- Proactol is well known for its fat binding capability. It helps bind up to 28% dietary fat which means that very little fat is absorbed by the body.

- Suppresses Appetite- It is also said to reduce food craving and helps one feel full for a long time.

- Clinically Tested and Proven- This pill has undergone reputable clinical studies and tests proving it to be an effective supplement for weight loss. It has also been given the FDA approval as a dietary supplement and awarded with the MDD certificate. Other entities have also certified it as the safest weight losing supplement.

- No Side-effects- Weight loss supplements are said to carry various side effects like insomnia, headache, increase in blood pressure and heart rate. People who used Proactol experienced no side effect. There are no chemicals involved in the manufacturing of this pill, which makes it harmless.

- Money Back Guarantee- This weight loss product comes with a 180 days money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the result of this supplement even after using it for 6 months, the manufacturer will refund all your money back.

- It helps reduce blood cholesterol levels.

- It is suitable for people of all ages.

- It is widely accepted and recommended by leading experts of the field.

Proactol has gained wide acceptance as a weight loss supplement and has given excellent and unbeatable results when combined with regular exercise and healthy diet.

Proactol has proved to be an effective slimming tablet for all age groups. Proactol ingredients are 100% organic.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richa_Khandel

A Comparison Guide To Weight Loss Surgery

Posted by Unknown On 21:30

Weight loss surgery is a great way for overweight people to slim down and begin living a healthier lifestyle. However, not all surgeries are right for everyone. Before you decide to undergo a particular weight loss surgery procedure, you should do some research about the different types to figure out which one best fits your situation.

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is one of the more common types of weight loss surgery. To perform this procedure, a surgeon will alter the shape of the patient's stomach to create a small pouch at the top. The patient will only be able to receive food in the pouch, which will limit the amount of food and drink that they consume before feeling full. The doctor will also reattach the small intestine to the pouch, which will allow food to flow directly from the pouch into the intestine. This means that the patient's body will not absorb as many calories as it would if food traveled along the entire length of the intestine.

Adjustable laparoscopic gastric banding is another surgical procedure designed to help overweight people. It involves placing a band that contains an inflatable balloon around the upper part of the stomach. The surgeon will fix the band in place, which will create a small pouch above the band. Similar to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, this pouch is located at the top of the stomach and restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold.

In addition to the band, the surgeon will also place a port under the skin on the patient's abdomen. Doctors can inject liquid through a tube connecting the port to the band, which changes the size of the balloon and can affect how much food the pouch can hold. Although gastric banding reduces the amount of food that the patient's stomach can hold, it does not reduce the amount of calories that the body absorbs like Roux-en-Y gastric bypass does.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a third option for those who require weight loss surgery. In this procedure, the surgeon will separate and remove part of the stomach from the body and manipulate the remaining section of the stomach into a tube shape. This new shape and smaller size will allow the stomach to hold less food, and will also affect the production of appetite-regulating hormones, which will lessen the patient's desire to eat.

Duodenal switch with biliopancreatic diversion is a surgical procedure similar to sleeve gastrectomy. The surgeon removes a large part of the stomach, but leaves the valve that releases food to the small intestine in place. The surgeon will then close off the middle part of the small intestine so that food bypasses it, which leads to the absorption of fewer calories.

Are you contemplating weight loss surgery? New Orleans residents can get information on the different types by speaking with a doctor at West Jefferson Medical Center or visiting: http://www.wjmc.org.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrea_Avery

How Green Coffee Bean Extract Works

Posted by Unknown On 20:09


The Green coffee beans refer to the coffee beans that have not been roasted. During the roasting process of the beans, the chemical compound known as Chlorogenic acid is greatly reduced. As a result, the raw or green ben have a relatively higher concentration compared to regular, roasted beans.

Chlorogenic Acid (CGA)

All the health benefits of green coffee bean extract are attributed to its main ingredient, CGA. It is important to understand that this active ingredient plays an active role in promoting weight loss in the body. It is believed that it helps in accelerating the metabolic rate of the body and as a result, supports burning of fats. In addition to this, this compound could affect the blood vessels thereby lowering blood pressure.

Conditions and treatment

Green bean extra is thought to have health benefits for a number of diseases. These may include; weight loss (obesity), heart disease, diabetes and many more other health conditions.

Mode of action of Chlorogenic Acid

CGA is a natural chemical compound an ester of caffeic acid and (-) -quinic acid. It is an important biosynthetic intermediate in lignin biosynthesis. This compound is also an antioxidant and also slows down the release of glucose into the blood stream after meals. Its antioxidant capacity is more potent than that of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).

This type of acid is reported to have antihypertensive effects. It is also noted to be a chemical sensitizer, responsible for human respiratory allergy to certain types of plant materials.

Health Benefits of This Extract

  • Some studies shows that people with mild high blood pressure who take the extract have recorded reduced hypertension.
  • Daily consumption of extract leads to a moderate weight loss over a period of 12 weeks.

Green Coffee Side effects

Green Coffee extract contains very little caffeine which is a lot less than what is present in ordinary coffee. Therefore, most likely, the side effects exhibited would come as a result of caffeine. Some of the common caffeine related side effects may include; Insomnia, Nervousness and restlessness, Stomach upset, Nausea and vomiting and increased heart and breathing rate.

Consumption of large amount of coffee might also cause headache, anxiety, agitation, ringing in the ears and irregular heartbeats. Apart from the side effects of caffeine, some volatile compounds present in green coffee are also responsible for nauseating odor and other abdominal discomfort. Under normal circumstances, these side effects are removed from the beans by roasting and this explains why processed coffee records no abdominal challenges.

Special Precautions and warnings

Pregnancy and breast feeding: During this period, the safety of green coffee has not been guaranteed and there is less information on this. Therefore, it is better to avoid its use.

Anxiety disorders: the small amounts of caffeine present in these supplements might worsen the condition.

Bleeding disorders: some concerns have been raised that the caffeine in these supplements might make your bleeding disorder worse.

Osteoporosis (thinning bones): Caffeine from these supplements and other sources can increase the amount of calcium that is flushed out in the urine. This might weaken the bones.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): when caffeine is consumed in large quantities, it can worsen diarrhea and even worsen the symptoms of IBS.


Green coffee bean extracts are taken orally and is available in capsules form and in different quantities. Different trademarks exist but it is important to check on the labels for clarity on the composition.


For maximum benefits of all supplements, a good understanding of how they work, the dosage, and the side effects is important. Some medical conditions must be monitored by a medical professional before using them and even when on the supplements.

Richard Jarvis is an online researcher investigating the new Green Coffee Bean Extract in Canada. If you are interested in what makes this product so popular you can read customer reviews and see why people all over the world are using this product for permanent weight loss and how they can get pure Green Coffee Bean Extract from a trusted source.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Jarvis

Obesity effects a large number of individuals all over the planet. Pigging out is one of the causes for this, however many men and women simply just eat all the wrong foods and so they find themselves gaining weight because of this. One thing that is also recognized as fact is that you have inherited your heavy body from your parents. While there are different reasons for you being heavy you will find that you can lose the excess weight if you want to. If you actually want to begin losing the extra weight, you will find simple factors down below which can help.

One thing you'll really need to do is actually want to lose the weight and to also have the dedication necessary to make it happen. You will find a lot of unique programs that claim to be able to help you slim down, but you will also see that these programs can be very expensive or even hard to follow. If you actually want to drop some weight and you have the dedication you need, you will recognize that losing the excess weight is not as hard as you may think. You will here me use the word dedication all through this article, basically because you will need that if you want to be successful.

The first thing you will have to do is to stop eating at all of those chain restaurants and especially the fast food places. The foods you receive from the fast food places, generally have hardly any nutritional value and are generally packed with calories. The real truth is that there are so many calories from fat in these foods that you can end up consuming all the calories allowed in a day in just one particular lunch of burgers and fries. In addition while some of the additional chain restaurants may have better quality foods, most of them still work with processed foods that will cause you to gain weight. Try to avoid eating at any place where the food comes pre packaged or processed and try to find locally owned eating places that take pride in their food.

You are going to understand that the total amount of calories that you take in each day will be the major key to slimming down. Which means that you are going to have to create a diet for yourself that should keep you in your calorie range. Women should be consuming 1,300 to 1,600 calories daily and males should be taking in 1,500 to 1,800 calories on a daily basis. These numbers are the volume of calories you have to eat just to maintain your current weight. While these figures will not help you lose weight by themselves you also will not be putting on the weight either. This is exactly where your dedication comes in, without dedication you will find that you'll not be able to stick to your calorie level.

Not only that, you need to start getting physical exercise. The bottom line is to use everything together, so physical exercise and the correct calorie intake will get you to the level that you are reducing your weight. When you wind up burning calories with physical exercise, and you are consuming the right amount calories you will find that you will be making a calorie deficit within your body, which is how you will lose the weight. Consequently if you have the appropriate amount of determination and dedication to follow the routine above you will have absolutely no choice but to lose weight.

There is not a one-size-fit all approach to shed pounds because everyone's body is different. A method that may work for someone else may not necessarily work for you.Find how you can shed the pounds with a great losing weight program - http://howtolose10poundsfasts.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aldea_Andre_Vali